Forthcoming travels and non-travels
(non-travel) I will be at the ASM meeting in Brisbane. I present on July 4, on Small proteins of the global microbiome with a focus on antimicrobial peptides (but, obviously, I will be in town for the whole event)
(travel) I will go to ISMB2024 in Montreal (July 12-18), followed by the Quest for Orthologs meeting.
(travel) On the way home, I will spend a few days in San Francisco (July 19-23). I’m looking to meet people who are interested in chatting science, progress, good food, weird art, whatever ideas you have…
(non-travel) I will be co-teaching a 1 week course on state-of-the-art bioinformatic approaches to analyze metagenomic data (Nov 11-15)
Get in touch if you want to get together at any of these and grab a coffee…
Links of the week
Markets in everything, more people are actors than you’d think
(day job link) Season 2 of #ExtremelyOpenScience started last week!
Photos of the week
These are all around Brisbane (mostly West End)